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WorldCast Schedules IP STL Webinar

Using the public Internet to achieve quality signal delivery

Equipment maker WorldCast Systems, led by its APT codec division, has planned a webinar called, “Rock Solid STLs on the Public Internet,” for Sept. 5, starting at noon, EDT.

Speaking will be Tony Peterle, manager, WorldCast Systems; Kevin Campbell, APT sales director for Asia-Pacific/Americas and Andrew Stern, CBNE, an engineer with Cumulus Media.

According to a release, topics to be covered include the potential challenges of audio over public Internet and the options available to combat these challenges; an introduction to APT’s SureStream technology and how it achieves T1 audio quality and reliability using the public Internet; the benefits of “always-on redundancy;” and advanced codec management using SNMP and ScriptEasy.

There will also be real-life customer application studies and an interactive question and answer session. For more information or to register, go here.
