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WMIT Chooses Rohde-Schwarz TX

Liquid-cooled THR9 cited for energy savings

When replacing an older air-cooled tube transmitter Blue Ridge Broadcasting Corp.’s WMIT(FM) in Asheville, N.C., chose to go with a Rohde-Schwarz liquid-cooled solid-state THR9 transmitter.

The station immediately noted that its air conditioning requirements plummeted from 15 tons to four tons. The THR9’s form-factor also reduced the TX footprint.

A bonus turned out to be the quiet cooling system. Chief Engineer Joshua Pierce said, “When walking in the room, the only noise comes from the auxiliary equipment, and the transmitter delivers 76% efficiency right out of the box.”

He added, “After installing the R&S THR9 liquid-cooled transmitter, I’m done with air-cooled.”
