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Help Seen for Aging Boomers and Other Sight- and Hearing-Impaired
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Help Seen for Aging Boomers and Other Sight- and Hearing-Impaired
Public radio engineers are close to deciding whether to form a Public Radio Engineering...
More Receivers Soon, Supporters Say, With 'Nine Automakers, 38 Models by 2008'
WASHINGTON: Folded FM dipoles are among the passive antenna types suitable for optimal reception...
DALLAS: A relatively small broadcast owner in Texas is moving aggressively to stake out...
Move over, iPod; Motorola plans to ship its second "iRadio" device to stores by...
For some time, Ibiquity Digital has been telling stations they need to "promote, promote,...
Challenges Ahead as Groups Coordinate Digital Promotion and Programming of Multicast Channels
The announcement that several ownership groups are coordinating their multicast planning is historic for...
This Group of a Few Dozen Technical Experts Helps the Industry Determine Key Issues
Movement Gains Steam; But 'Where Are the Receivers?' Is Top HD-R Question
Dan Mason has managed some of the largest radio groups in the country in...
The discussion of exactly what U.S. radio listeners should see when they flip the...
Radio World News Editor/Washington Bureau Chief Leslie Stimson spoke with Ibiquity's broadcast strategic marketing...
Dr. Donald Messer has retired from the International Broadcasting Bureau to work full-time with...
Regulators Approve All Three Proposed Systems, Raising More Questions
A year from now, you won't be able to find a new HD Radio...
A year from now, you won't be able to find a new HD Radio...
Whether or if the radio industry will select one surround sound technology to coincide...
Smith, the vice president of engineering at Greater Media Inc. for the past 21...
The FCC has reiterated how stations that use IBOC technology can seek permission to...
Commercial Radio Considers Combining Efforts on Multiple Digital Channels
Lays Out New License Fee Schedule; Will Charge for Supplemental Channels
Acquisition of The Radio Experience Marks Emphasis on Role of Data in Radio's Future
Surround sound was the focus of several announcements at the recent CES convention, some...
More HD Radios, Including In-Dash Car Models, Are Due Out This Year
Network Seeks Manufacturers to Make Radios; It Will Provide Program Streams for Members
Making devices 'talk' to one another in car is seen as key
NPR aired its first ever surround sound broadcast of its New Year's Eve program...
Network and station engineers as well as suppliers involved have been scrambling in recent...
Littlejohn Notwithstanding, Not Everyone Wants to Reduce Their AM Bandwidth
Receiver Rollout, Surround Sound, Border Issues And Early Real-World Lessons Are Discussed
As radio groups plan their capital expenditures for the next year, those planning to...
HD Radio technology may only be starting to climb its adoption curve, but transmission...
Clear Channel Radio's plans to convert 1,000 stations to digital sends a strong message...
American University's WAMU(FM) is beta-testing a second digital channel with special authorization from the...
Harris, Cox Tout Approach for Power and Space Benefits; CPB Reviews Grants
A handful of AM stations reportedly have turned off their HD Radio signals out...
Terrestrial digital radio proponents have been hoping the FCC would move to solidify final...