The New Jersey Broadcasters Association�s annual conference takes place this week. The conference is held in Atlantic City over a two day period. The first day, Wednesday, June 22, will consist of formal NJBA business through with board of directors and members meetings, and the second day is full of educational, speaker and entertainment sessions with a variety of special guests.
On the morning of the second day of the conference, NJBA President and CEO, Paul Rotella, will open with a �State of the Industry� address at the Circus Maximus Theater. Other morning speakers to be featured are Libby Hiple, talking on the activation of the FM chip in smartphones, and Gordon Borrell of Borrell Associates, talking about creative ideas to help attendees take advantage of the latest developments in radio and listening trends.
Attendees will have the chance to get educated with a super session using the latest info in radio sales to help you sell more. Shaping the discussion are thought leaders like Research Directors� CEO Charlie Sislen; Stacy Shulman, EVP of strategy and analytics at Katz Media Group’ Rich Tunkel, Nielsen VP and director of sales; and Cumulus� Pierre Bouvard.
There will be two student sessions. The first of the day, �Successful Women in Radio,� features insights and opportunities from the industry�s leading women in broadcast. The speakers are Deborah Parenti, publisher of Radio Ink/RBR/TVBR/Radio Discussions; Stacy Shulman, EVP of strategy and analytics from Katz Media Group; Kelly Harrington, communications manager at Reach Media; Danielle Lin, host of the syndicated Danielle Lin Show; Lauren McHale, vice president and director of sales for Katz Sports Marketing/ KRG Partnerships/Katz Digital Group; WFAN�s Anchor Erica Herskowitz from CBS Sports Radio; and Robyn Walensky of The Blaze.
The other student session, �Mentoring Talent,� will feature NJBA Life Member and professor Dick Taylor, who will discuss the importance of growing the next generation of radio air talent. � � �
The keynote speaker will be the five-time Heavyweight Champion of the World boxer Evander Holyfield, and FCC Commissioner Michael O�Rielly will also address the membership.
Awards are also a big part of the conference. NJBA �Best of the Best� Awards will be announced along with inductions to the NJBA Hall of Fame. The 2016 inductees are Casey Kasem and Bert Baron. A NJBA Lifetime Achievement Award will go to Ed Hurst. Also, British singer and songwriter, Nick Hissom will perform.
For more information on the two day conference, visit theNew Jersey Broadcasters Association�s website.�