FM Directional Computer Simulations — Why Not?
Computer modeling of FM antennas can save time, effort and money
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Computer modeling of FM antennas can save time, effort and money
NRSC working group plans a guideline document
Simington hopes regulators “take full stock of the realities facing broadcasters”
Streaming is not the also-ran it used to be, we’ve got to get it...
Our annual award salutes engineers who are making a difference right now
Your culture is what comes out of the speakers
Then if you can’t figure it out, proceed to the unknown
In a pandemic, it’s risky to schedule things too far out
And as the society’s first female leader, she hopes to help it diversity
NAB’s David Layer says the stakes are higher than ever
More and more, broadcast infrastructure is moving to the cloud
Will step down in September after 25 years leading the state’s committee
Tech sales and marketing exec crossed over from station management
Here's our special interview with NAB’s next president/CEO
“It is not good enough ‘if it works when it works,’ it has to...
College station keeps a well-stocked microphone closet
REC Networks is sanguine about its latest proposal
“No station ratings have ever been tied to the mic used in the studio”
Bob Orban: Processing options help stations that seek to navigate these new scenarios
Plans shape up for the NAB Show and Radio Show in October
We asked a bunch of radio/audio pros for their favorites and for shopping tips
We’re asking people in and around radio which mics they love and why
For U.S. commercial radio, last year was simply a bad one
She has headed its certification program for 15 years
A compliance officer explains his issues with the FCC's political file initiative
More than 2,100 stations are now covered by agreements that require compliance plans
Work of the NAB Radio Technology Committee pays a dividend
Remote control systems and technology have come a long, long way
We talk with him about his 50+ years in engineering
This resource from the NAB is a helpful guide for anyone in U.S. radio
Latest FCC data also shows continuing shrinkage in number of AMs
Hybrid radio system is intended to be a global platform
Six charts from the commission’s marketplace report on competition
Our new ebook includes an interview with the owner of all-digital WMGG(AM)
Accounting for variables reduces pressures