The author is founder of Wright Media Group in Grand Rapids, Mich. Comment on this or any article. Email
We have often heard it said over the years that radio personalities are the mortar holding the bricks in place at a radio station, concerning the overall product. This analogy directly implies that personalities are merely facilitators for more crucial elements like music, promos and contests. The real-world evidence, however, demands that we reexamine this view.
Over the last several years our focus groups, and many other research projects a very different perspective has been revealed. Overwhelming evidence from listeners shows that personalities should not be seen as the mortar but as the bricks themselves. Hundreds of listeners have repeatedly told us that the reason they tune into and return to a radio station is because of the connection they feel with one or more of your personalities. Rarely does music or anything else take precedence over this relationship.
While music remains extremely important, it seems to function more as a lead-in to the relationship and thereafter an enhancement of it! Listeners expect us to deliver good music, but it is the sense of “belonging” and the ongoing relationship with the personalities that truly matter.
Listeners often express that they enjoy the music, but they go out of their way to tell us how much they love a particular personality and why. Understanding the “why” is crucial. Typically, it’s not about elaborate bits designed for humor. Instead, what resonates most with listeners is relevance to their daily lives through genuine, on-air conversations, often with listeners themselves.
A story about a father secretly crying as his son leaves for college creates a lasting memory and a deep emotional connection. In contrast, an elaborate bit about Hollywood’s biggest tippers may generate laughs but lacks the lasting impact that fosters a long-term connection. Listeners seek “what’s real and relevant.”
There is a place for surface-level content, providing an escape from life’s challenges, but it’s not the bond that holds and grows the relationship.
This insight should ignite a new level of enthusiasm and determination among all personalities. We have the unique opportunity to enhance our listeners’ lives while they spend time with us, so make every moment count!