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I Need an Article

Is there any chance it might be available online or may the relevant back issue be purchased?

In a recent back issue of Radio World there was an article about booster transmitters and how their coverage could be improved by both audio and carrier synchronization. Now that article has become of interest here at KWMR(FM). Is there any chance it might be available online or may the relevant back issue be purchased?

Richard Dillman
Transmitter Wrangler
KWMR-West Marin Community Radio
Pt. Reyes Station, Calif.

RW now posts complete, archived recent back issues in digital edition form. Visit and click on Resources, then Digital Edition.
The article in question, “FM Boosters and SFNs: The Synchronize Everything Approach” by Tim Bealor of Broadcast Electronic, appeared in the Dec. 10, 2008 edition of Radio World Engineering Extra.

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