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Pointed Digital Questions, Take 2

As one of the founding members of the Stop IBOC Alliance, I naturally have been more than vocal in my criticism of this form of AM modulation and its many demonstrated shortcomings.

As one of the founding members of the Stop IBOC Alliance, I naturally have been more than vocal in my criticism of this form of AM modulation and its many demonstrated shortcomings.

It’s no real secret that Radio World has been a staunch supporter of IBOC. However, Jim Jenkins’ letter is a little on the unfair side — not to IBOC but to Radio World. Editor in Chief Paul McLane, while a supporter of IBOC, has gone out of his way to ensure that we who oppose it are given our voice in this publication.

If I have any complaints about the presentation in Radio World, it would be two-fold:

First, why not have an equal number of both pro and con IBOC letters in each issue? That would go a long way towards addressing what Jenkins sees as “propaganda.”

Second, edit out the pro-only continued used of personal attacks against the anti-IBOC folks, as they serve no purpose in the discussion of the merits or lack of merits that IBOC offers. We who oppose IBOC have been called a variety of things from “dinosaurs” to “Luddites” — and always from people who do not know us, other than through our writings, some of whom do not even work in broadcasting. I have yet to see published a letter from an anti-IBOC person who lowers himself to the use of invectives against those who support IBOC.

Jenkins does make one quite good statement in his letter: “Sure would be great to see the ‘radio trades’ ask and answer those pointed questions.” How about it, Paul?

Jerry Arnold
Director of Engineering
Midwest Communications
Terre Haute, Ind.
