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Required Reading

Because of the historical perspective and insight it provides into how radio regulation became what it is today

I have just finished reading the June 3 issue, in which I enjoyed several interesting and compelling articles on radio broadcasting.

I especially enjoyed James O’Neal’s “The FCC at 75: When the Federal Government Stepped In.” Having taught college courses in broadcast history for many years, much of the information was familiar to me; but this was a refreshing and accurate review of the development of broadcast regulation from the early days of radio to the present.

The article should be “must reading,” especially for today’s younger broadcasters, because of the historical perspective and insight it provides into how radio regulation became what it is today, having evolved from the era of spark transmitters and crystal sets to the present age of digital broadcasting.

Herbert H. Howard, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
College of Communication & Electronic Media
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville, Tenn.
