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They Are the Names Behind the Pages

When you read RW, you take part in a true community of professionals

As I have done for many years, I wish to thank the people whose editorial contributions made Radio World possible in the past 12 months.

These are the folks whose articles, opinions, letters, tech tips, photos, interviews and other contributions appeared in the 32 issues of Radio World and Radio World Engineering Extra since January 2009 as well as our supplements and Webinars. They include not only our columnists, writers and editors but the newsmakers whose views we’ve presented.

Imagine getting to spend time every couple of weeks with the experts listed here. That’s what reading RW throughout the year is like.

Without these men and women, there could be no RW as you know it. With them, our publication constitutes a true community of radio broadcast professionals.

John Abdnour, John Aegerter, Mike Agovino, Cris Alexander, Amanda Alexander, Anthony Alfano, Sylvia Allen, Aaron Amershek, Paul Anderson, Daniel Anstandig, David Antoine, Tony Argibay, Jerry Arnold, Susan Ashworth, Tom Atkins, Bob Augsburg, Allan Augustyn, Norm Avery.

Joan Baker, Craig Baker, Michael Baldauf, Bob Band, Fred Baumgartner, Tim Bealor, Bruce Beasley, Frank Bell, Jennifer Bendall, Ray Benedict, Larry Berger, Sam Berkow, Oliver Berliner, Guy Berry, Bill Betlej, Clarence Beverage, David Bialik, Harry Bingaman, John Bisset, Bruce Blanchard, Barry Blesser, Pete Booker, Mark Borchert, Jeff Bottalico, Bill Bowin, Doug Boyd, Ivan Braiker, Allen Branch, Jorge Brenes, Paul Brenner, Michael Brinks, Joe Brosk, Richard Brown, Harry Brown, Colleen Brown, Margaret Bryant, Bob Buie, Chuck Bullett, R. Morgan Burrow Jr., Ronald Burtnick, Amador Bustos, Ed Butler, Jack Buttram.

Steve Callahan, Kevin Campbell, James Careless, Chuck Carr, John Casey, Garrison Cavell, Lindsay Cerajewski, Dr. Mead Citron, Roz Clark, Bill Clark, Glen Clark, Terry Cockerill, Bob Cockrum, Harry Cole, Marv Collins, Jim Collins, Tony Coloff, Tila Comstock, Tom Conrad, Art Contantine, Mike Cooney, Dave Corp, Terry Cowan, Bob Crane, James Cridland, John Crigler, Chuck Crouse.

Steve Davis, Robert H. Davis, Allan Davis, Ben Dawson, David Day, Ed De La Hunt, Jerry Del Colliano, Brian Dempsey, Steve Densmore, Monty Dent, Jeff Detweiler, Ken Deutsch, John Devecka, John Diamantis, Bill Diehl, Richard Dillman, Todd Dixon, Mike Dorrough, Scott Dorsey, Ben Downs, Chas Dozier, Rick Ducey, James Duchesneau, Mark Durenberger, Dave Dworkin, Dave Dzurick.

Cover, May 6th 2009 issue Bob Eddy, Bill Eldridge, Kari Elswick, Bruce Elving, Stu Engelke, John Engle, Edger Erkel, Deborah Esayian, “Bro” Duke Evans, Richard Factor, Ray Fantini, Myron Fanton, Kris Fay, Rick Feinblatt, Benjamin Finley, Buc Fitch, Jeff Fitzgerald, Ty Ford, Dave Forr, Bill Frahm, Kit Hunter Franke, Mark Fratrik, Clay Freinwald, Greg French.

Philip Galasso, Mary Beth Garber, Manny Garcia, Gregg Garcia, John F. Garziglia, Philippe Generali, Karina Gerardi, Brett Gilbert, Joey Gill, Neil Glassman, Ron Gnadinger, Nicole Marie Godburn, Jim Godfrey, Elmer Goetsch, Jay Golden, Bert Goldman, Bob Gonsett, Jenny Rose Gonzalez, Michael Goodman, John Gorman, Peter Gowen, Yogi Gowrishankar, John Grayson, Martyn Gregory, Terry Grieger, Michele Grove, Frank Grundstein, Juan Gualda, Alan Guthrie, Blazo Guzina.

Al Hajny, Jeff Haley, Harold Hallikainen, Bob Hamilton, Kyle Hammer, Ray Hanania, Terry Hanley, Jonathan Hardis, Kirk Harnack, Allen Hartle, Tom Hartnett, Mark Heller, Kurt Heminger, Mike Henry, Brad Herd, Frank Hertel, Mario Hieb, Rich Hill, Mark Hoenecke, Jim Hoge, Fred Hopengarten, Daniel Houg, Randy Howard, Herbert Howard, Harry Hoyler, Bryan Hubert, Rick Hunt.

Chris Imlay, Todd Isberner, Greg Jablonski, Colleen Jackson, Fred Jacobs, Andrew Janitschek, David Jarvis, Jim Jenkins, Russ Johnson, Rolland Johnson, Craig Johnston, Steve Johnston, Phil Joiner, Tom Jones, Dylan Jones, Alan Jurison, Mark Kaltman, Paul Kaminski, Roger Karwoski, John Kean, Jim Keen, Terry Kelly, Chuck Kelly, Don Kennedy, Randy Kerbawy, Tim Kimble, Peter King, Tom King, John Wells King, Brian Kirby, Jason Klein, Gary Kline, Hal Kneller, Buzz Knight, Dan Knighten, Kent Koselke, Alex Kosiorek, Bob Kovacs, Tom Koza, Erwin G. Krasnow, Juan Carlos Kretschmer, Tadeusz Krzeminski, Ted Kuligowski.

Isabella Laforet, Andy Laird, Mel Lambert, Markell Lambright, Steve Lampen, Tom Langmyer, Mark Lapidus, Fred Lass, Mervill Lawson, David Layer, Jerry LeBow, Michael LeClair, Karen Lee, Darren Levy, Rick Levy, Jim Liffrig, Lourdes Lilly, Carl Lindemann, Jan Lipski, Jeff Littlejohn, Paul Litwinovich, Dan Loeffler, Philip J. Lombardo, Wendell Lonergan, David Long, Chuck Lontine, Patrick Lopez, Vincent Lopez, Denny Luell, Roland Lussier, John Lynch, John Lyons.

Cover, December 2nd 2009 issue Jane Mago, Donna Land Maldonado, Magneto Man, Marc Mann, Dan Mansergh, Nick Markowitz, Jonathan Marks, Scott Mason, Jerry Mathis, David Maxson, Charlie Mayer, Tim McAleer, Mike McCarthy, Mike McClain, Jon McClintock, Frank McCoy, Rushion McDonald, Robert McDowell, Eugene McEfee, Tom McGinley, Dick McGraw, Drew McKenna, Barry McLarnon, Traver McLaughlin, Doug McLeod, Bob Meister, Geoff Mendenhall, Bob Mercer, Jackie Merriman, the late Tom Merriman, Don Messer, Brandon Michaels, Peggy Miles, Brett Miller, Cindy Miller, Tom Mintner, Gene Mitchell, Laura Mizrahi, Grady Moates, Thom Mocarsky, Rick Molina, Bill Mondy, Mike Moore, Brett Moss, Dave Moulton, Olaf Mühlbauer, Jack Mullaney, Howard Mullinack, Russ Mundschenk.

Dirk Nadon, Ted Nahil, Tony Neece, Steve Negrini, Dave Newmark, David Noble, Jan Nordmann, Tom Norman, Clark Novak, James O’Neal, Dean O’Neal, Mike O’Neill, Bill O’Shaughnessy, Rogelio Ocampo, Brian Oliger, Tom Osenkowsky, Mike Pappas, Bill Parris, Craig Parshall, Rae Ann Parsons, Mark Parthe, Philippe Patrice, Larry Patrick, Karl Paulsen, John Pavlica, Michael Payne, Jim Peck, Rob Pegoraro, Saul Perez, Adrian Peterson, Al Peterson, Sharon Rae Pettigrew, Norm Philips, Skip Pizzi, James Pollock, Stephen Poole, John Poray, Tim Portzline, Chris Poulain, Brian Preston, Thom Price.

Mike Rabey, Ron Rackley, Dave Radigan, Bob Radil, John Ragsdale, Doug Raines, Bob Rambo, Mark Ramsey, Rich Rarey, Tom Ray, Aaron Read, George Reed, Bruce Reese, David Rehr, Richard Reich, Paul Reynolds, Mike Rice, Eric Richardson, Mike Richardson, Robert Richer, Rob Robbins, Jim Roberts, Cindy Rollison, Eric Ronning, Jay Rose, T. Carter Ross, Bruno Rost, Henry Ruhwiedel, Rosy Ryan, Marci Ryvicker.

Kim Sacks, Bill Sacks, Paul Sagi, Manuel Sáiz Mesa, Stan Salek, John Sanders, Roger Sarow, Chris Sarris, Bob Savage, Steve Savanyu, Hal Schardin, Pete Schartel, Scott Schmeling, the late Steve Schott, Bob Schroeder, Stephen Schuh, Rod Schwartz, Joe Schwartz, Tim Schwieger, Dawn Sciarrino, Jack Sellmeyer, Glenn Serafin, Mike Shannon, Alan Shea, Douglas Sheer, Ellyn Sheffield, Scott Sheppard, Paul Shulins, Adam Shulman, Alex Shvarts, Laverne Siemens, Tom Silliman, Dave Silverstein, Robert Simmons, Pete Simon, K.J. Singh, Gene Sisk, Dan Slentz, Brian Slott, Jeffrey Smith, Milford Smith, Herb Smith, Brian Smith, Gordon Smith, Cory Smith, Curt Smith, Gabriel Sosa Plata, Luke Springer, Chirstopher Springmann, Joe Stack, Bill Stakelin, Mike Starling, Fred Stiening, Leslie Stimson, Randy Stine, Richard Strickland, Bob Struble, Bill Sullivan, Art Sutton Jr., Craig Swagler, Stanley Swanson.

Tom Taggart, Joe Talbot, Rashid Tanko, Scott Tanner, Rolf Taylor, Stu Tell, Bill Tennant, Kevin Terry, Barry Thomas, Paul Thurst, Larry Tighe, F. Keith Trantow, Scott Trask, Pete Tridish, Mike Troje, Dale Tucker, Ted Tucker Jr., Kent Tunks, Mark Turley, Steve Tuzeneu, Jeff Twilley, Cecil Van Houten, Richard Van Zandt, Art VanDelay, Mike Vanhooser, Steve Vanni, Philip Vaughan, Sunder Velamuri, Doug Vernier, Tom Vernon, Bob Vinikoor, Hank Volpe, Art Vuolo.

Glynn Walden, Brian Walsh, Marvin Walther, Eric Wandel, Billy Ward, Charles Warfield, John Warner, John Warner, Len Watson, Gerald Weaver, Fred Weinberg, Friend Weller, Randy West, Dennis Wharton, Doug Wilber, Ira Wilner, Dave Wilson, David R. Wilson, Stephen Winzenburg, Guy Wire, Jim Withers, Rychard Withers, Wade Witmer, George Woodard, Gillian Wylie, Jeff Yates, Curt Yengst, Jon Yinger, Forrest Yingling and R.V. Zeigler.

If you contributed to RW and I missed you, my regrets. If you didn’t and would like to in 2010, let me know. My thanks as well to the people behind the scenes at NewBay Media who produce Radio World, and to our many fine advertisers, on whose support we all lean in every issue.

Happy holidays to all!
