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Why Franken?

My first thought was Al Franken. I'm too close to the nonsense with the senate race in St. Paul.

Great story. But I don’t understand the headline reference (“Concerns Raised About ‘Franken FMs,'” Dec. 17).

My first thought was Al Franken. I’m too close to the nonsense with the senate race in St. Paul.

Bob Rambo
Okoboji, Iowa

Ed. Note: RW used a phrase that appeared in the CGC Communicator newsletter. After RW’s story appeared, the newsletter explained: “The term ‘Franken-FM’ (with a hyphen) was coined by Ed Tipler, P.E., of southern California who, after hearing a Channel 6 LPTV acting like an FM station for the first time, said, ‘It upset me so much that I called it a name, Franken-FM, as in the famous Frankenstein monster that was made up from miscellaneous body parts, in this case an unholy alliance of FM equipment and a TV license.'”

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