Workbench: Time to Plan for Old Man Winter
Top off your generator fuel and get yourself an orange vest
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Top off your generator fuel and get yourself an orange vest
Also, Bill Ruck deploys “the mother of all isolation boxes”
Here’s an option for station monitoring around the building
Also, check the composition and specs of the wire you buy
Try this simple solution to suppress unwanted crowd noise
Summer is a good time for preventive maintenance
Frank Hertel follows up on a question about his LED dimmer project
Also, an inexpensive introduction to electronics from Radio Shack
Get only the light you need with Frank Hertel’s workbench project
Also, a tip for shedding more light on your workbench
Also, selecting the correct electrical terminations
Also, Marc Mann gets a scare from a Phone Phreaking Box
Also, adding remote fault reset to a generator
For one engineer, this handy tool has more than paid for itself
Also, a whole batch of other simple but useful tips for use around your...
Also, a postscript to our discussion about generator maintenance
Also, use Cal-Blue Plus to spot slowwwwwww nitrogen leaks
Not all sanitizing wipes are safe to use on your equipment
Also, Bondic is an ultra-strong adhesive that cures with UV light
Also more about gas discharge tubes and metal oxide varistors
John Bisset began writing our popular tips column in 1990
Also, here’s a way to improve your engineering skills for $25
The mind boggles at the uses for this product invented by the Rocket Chemical...
Also, a way to troubleshoot nitrogen leaks in pressurized transmission line
Though MOVs respond more quickly, the higher capacitance limits their use
Use it to test XLR-connected cables for proper wiring and polarity
Also, here’s an industrial and business surface sterilizer (if you can get your hands...
Like all of our content, Workbench tips are intended for folks the world over
Also, a fun book about radio from behind the mic by Tommy Edwards
Also, Rolf Taylor explains air filter MERV ratings
Also, learn the interesting history of the MacKenzie Program Repeater
Also, don’t miss out on your free Swag Bag … here’s how to get...
Also, beware: Poison kills more than just rodents
Also, here’s a software suggestion for April 1
Also, step-by-step instructions to repairing old RE20 microphones
First, don't just "point and shoot" with your IR gun
Also, the mousetraps just keep on coming!