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EBU’s Graham Dixon Discusses ‘What is Radio’

Head of radio at EBU discussed what radio means in 2017 at Radiodays Europe

Graham Dixon is the European Broadcasting Union’s head of Radio.

Radio is no longer “a box with a receiver and speaker,” according to European Broadcasting Union’s Head of Radio, Graham Dixon in his address to this year’s Radiodays Europe attendees.

“With so many sources of audio,” Dixon proclaimed, “we need a new definition.” Dixon highlights that radio has always been a source of information, but with new technologies like smart home devices, the range of options available to people has increased.

But he also says that radio is responsible for creating a community: “Whether it occupies the public or commercial space, radio creates a community, and creates that community by providing contact with events around them and in the wider world.”

However, conventional radio is still necessary for three reasons, per Dixon: security, social exclusion and as gatekeepers. “What is radio?” he surmised. “It’s the audio-based delivery of content in response to human curiosity and the need for connection.”

Radiodays Europe took place in Amsterdam Mar. 19–21.
