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Bob Orban to Speak to SBE Chapters

Orban founder will discuss audio processing, loudness control and other topics

INDIANAPOLIS — Audio processing guru Bob Orban will again address select SBE chapters in a series of winter teleconferences.

Similar to a series over the summer, Orban will hit on topics such as loudness control and, of course, audio processing.

Dates and SBE chapters scheduled so far include:

  • Dec. 11, Chapter 38, El Paso, Texas
  • Dec. 13, Chapter 32, Tucson, Ariz.
  • Jan. 9, Chapter 33, Cincinnati
  • Jan. 24, Chapter 112, Eau Claire, Wis.
  • Feb. 6, Chapter 68, Birmingham, Ala.
  • Feb. 2, Chapter 105, Houston

Specific times will be announced by each individual chapter. Chapters interested in hosting an Orban teleconference can contact Mike Pappas at Orban Labs at 1-856-719-9900.
