SAN JUAN � More than a week after Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, many radio stations are still off the air, but others are gradually rejoining the air waves.
As of 11 a.m. on Sept. 27, there were nine stations still dark. They are WQBS(AM), WCMN(FM), WMIO(FM), WPRM(FM), WNEL(AM), WPRP(AM), WIPR(FM), WZAR and WUNO(AM) are reported as being out of service in DIRS.
Based on informal reports earlier, it appears the following radio stations are currently operational in Puerto Ric WKAQ(AM), WPAB(AM), WIPR(AM), WAPA(AM), WISO(AM), WTIL(AM), WKUM(AM), WMDD(AM), WDEP(AM), WALO(AM), WSJN(AM), WXEW(AM), WEXS(AM), WMIA(AM), WZIN(FM), WODA(FM), WFID(FM), WAEL(FM), WNVM(FM), WERR(FM), WKAQ(FM) and WMEG(FM).