In the wake of the CBS Radio-Entercom merger, Jason Ornellas has been named the director of engineering for Bonneville’s new Sacramento cluster.
Bonneville will now operate four of the five previous CBS Radio stations that Ornellas worked with as director of engineering for CBS Radio Sacramento, according to his LinkedIn profile. They are KYMX(FM), KZZO(FM), KNCI(FM) and KHTK(AM). Ornellas held the CE role for KNCI and KHTK and also was promoted to director of engineering for KSFM(FM), KYMX(FM) and KZZO(FM) in March 2015.
Prior to that, Ornellas was chief engineer for Greater Media New Jersey from June 2011 through April 2014. The cluster is comprised of WRAT(FM/HD), WJRZ(FM/HD), WCTC(AM) and WMGQ(FM).
Ornellas, CBRE, CRO, is a current member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers board of directors and is a regular contributor to Radio magazine. He is a past treasurer of SBE Chapter 15 in the greater New York City area.
He is also a graduate of the University of Indianapolis.