WASHINGTON ��FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has designated Brian King, senior vice president of National Technology Service Delivery and Operations at T-Mobile USA, to serve as chair of the Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council.
Pai also identified three CSRIC working groups: Mary Boyd of West Safety Services will serve as chair of Transition Path to NG911; Farrokh Khatibi of Qualcomm will serve as chair of Comprehensive Re-imagining of Emergency Alerting; and Travis Russell of Oracle will serve as chair of Network Reliability and Security Risk Reduction.
The selection of additional members for CSRIC working groups remains in progress. Final selections will be announced at a later date.
The CSRIC will hold its first meeting at FCC headquarters on June 23 at 1 p.m.. At that meeting, committee will be introduced, initial assignments will be handed out and more information about working groups will be provided. The meeting is open to the public, although seating is limited; coverage of the meeting will also be available via www.fcc.gov/live.