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Domestic cars need to market best features

Domestic cars need to market best features

Jul 1, 2009 12:00 PM, by Erin Shipps, associate editor

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Domestic cars need to market best features

With both General Motors and Chrysler in bankruptcy court, a Jacob’s Media survey of more than 21,000 rock radio listeners from around the U.S. says many potential buyers will strongly consider an American car or truck this year. Of the 12 percent indicating they will purchase (or lease) a new vehicle in 2009, nearly half (46 percent) say they always buy a domestic product, and one-fifth (18 percent) say they are strongly considering an American car or truck, even though they typically opt for a foreign brand. GM, Ford and Chrysler can ensure these buyers will purchase one of their vehicles by marketing the most desirable features and options, i.e. Ipod connections, which stands high above options like satellite radio, GPS and HD Radio. Here’s how the marketable options stack up.

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