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Letters to the Editor Guidelines

Letters to the Editor Guidelines

Dec 1, 2004 1:00 AM

Guidelines for writing a Radio magazine Letter to the Editor


Length: While we do not specify a length for letters to the editor, it is best to be short and concise. Long letters will likely be cut to a shorter length.

Content: Letters to the Editor should comment on an article in Radio magazine, an article or topic that you would like to see in Radio magazine, or a comment on an issue of importance to the technical side of radio broadcasting. Other topics may be suitable as well, but they will be used at the discretion of the editor.

We do not use letters that comment about advertisements unless the ad is offensive in some way. Quite often, ads make claims that are difficult to prove or disprove.

Letters to the editor are not a forum for manufacturers to argue the merits of their products. If there is an issue that warrants a comparative discussion of different technologies, we will cover that in an editorial feature.

Format: Please include your name, any professional certifications, a company name, your job title, your city and state so that we can clearly identify you. We will withhold a name on request, but an anonymous letter does not have the authoritative voice that a signed letter carries.

Author Guidelines

Want to contribute to Radio magazine? Our author guidelines provide the details on what to do. These also include general editorial style guidelines….
