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Macmillan Perfecting Sound Forever

Macmillan Perfecting Sound Forever

Aug 2, 2010 12:00 PM, By Erin Shipps, associate editor

Sound reference

Greg Milner takes readers through the major breakthroughs and glorious failures in the art and science of recording. An American soldier monitoring Nazi radio transmissions stumbles onto the open yet revolutionary secret of magnetic tape. Japanese and Dutch researchers build a first-generation digital audio format and watch as their �compact disc� is marketed by the music industry as the second coming of Edison yet derided as heretical by analog loyalists. The music world becomes addicted to volume in the 90s and fights a self-defeating “loudness war” to get its fix. Should a recording document reality as faithfully as possible, or should it improve upon or somehow transcend the music it records? The answers he uncovers will change the way we think about music.

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2010 Product Source

The Radio magazine annual compendium of new products, including the Radio magazine Pick Hits and special sections highlighting remotes, production and more….

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