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NAB Insider – March 09, 2004

NAB Insider – March 09, 2004

Feb 1, 2004 12:00 PM


  • NAB Keynote Address by HP’s CEO
  • John Cochran to Moderate RegulatoryFace-Off
  • Armstrong Transmitter X Link STLsystem
  • Burk Technology ARC-16 Web interface
  • Henry Engineering Studiodrive
  • Eventide H3000 Bank Delays
  • JK Audio Autohybrid
  • Mackie dxb*200 and dxb*400
  • Sennheiser Electronics HD 650
  • Symetrix Air Tools 6200
  • Studer On-Air 3000
  • Tapco S-8
  • Rohde & Schwarz R&S UVP
  • Engineering Sessions for Sunday
  • What to do After the Convention

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News from theConvention

NAB Keynote Address by HP’s CEO

Carly Fiorina, chairman and chief executive officer ofHewlett-Packard, will deliver the All-Industry Opening keynote addresson April 19.

Fiorina joined HP in July 1999 and has led HP as the company appliesnew technology for businesses and consumers. Fiorina led the HP mergerwith Compaq, which was completed in May 2002.

John Cochran to ModerateRegulatory Face-Off

Veteran ABC News correspondent John Cochran will moderate a panel offour FCC commissioners and the acting director of the NationalTelecommunications and Information Administration in a discussion onregulatory issues facing broadcasters during The RegulatoryFace-Off on April 20.

FCC Commissioners Kathleen Abernathy, Michael Copps, Kevin Martin andJonathan Adelstein will be joined by Michael Gallagher, NTIA�sacting director. The FCC is currently considering many issues that willhave a lasting effect on broadcasting. At the Face-Off, the panel willaddress topics such as media ownership, indecency and the transition todigital television and radio.

Cochran, chief Washington correspondent for ABC News, is a veteranreporter in the political arena. He reports for various ABC Newsprograms, but primarily covers Washington for World NewsTonight. He has received two Emmy Awards for reporting, the firstin 1981 for his coverage of the Solidarity movement in Poland, and thesecond for his coverage of the overthrow of the Communist regime inRomania in 1989. Cochran has covered numerous presidents, including thelast two and half years of the Clinton administration, Richard Nixon,Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. He hasalso covered the Congress, the State Department and the Pentagon, andwas a foreign correspondent for 10 years.

New Products from theFloor

Armstrong Transmitter X Link STL system

Booth N706

An analog STL system, the X Link is a 10W system that replaces theFML 10 system. The transmitter and receiver feature microprocessorcontrol that evolves the FML10 to a user friendly menu driven system.Frequency, power output, signal strength and all metered parameters areavailable on the front panel LCD display and via remote control. Thesystem’s receiver is more sensitive making it useful for long STLpaths. This system interfaces easily with Armstrong’s two and fourchannel digital converters to allow a station to add digital audio tothe analog platform. The transmitter and receiver operate on 24Vdc, 110or 220V ac.

Burk Technology ARC-16 Webinterface

Booth N3702

Providing Web-based control and monitoring for the ARC-16transmitter remote control system, all connected ARC-16 units can belinked to a single Web Interface to allow site control from a standardWeb browser on any networked PC. LAN/WAN capability provides users themeans to control their sites via their local network, the companyintranet or from anywhere using the Internet. The Web interface alsosends alarm notifications by e-mail or SMS to any e-mail-enableddevice. The interface needs only one serial connection to the ARC-16for Web-based control of all connected units, and the connection fromthe Web interface to the ARC-16 may be direct or via a full-time modem.This allows the user to install the ARC-16 Web Interface at thetransmitter site, at the studio location or anywhere an Ethernetconnection is available.

HenryEngineering Studiodrive

Booth N1100

Studiodrive makes a PC with a soundcard into a completestudio-in-a-box. This product is a stereo audio mixer that fits in thedrive bay area of any PC. It features six inputs (one mic and fiveline), and has on-air and soundcard outputs. Sources can be mixed for alive broadcast or recorded and edited on the PC. There is also abuilt-in telephone coupler, a mix-minus output, and provision forremote mic control. The monitor system features automatic muting whenthe mic is on, plus control of on-air warning lights.

Eventide H3000 Bank Delays

Booth N704

The plug-in will provide Pro Tools users with the feature set andfunctionality of the Band Delays algorithm from the H3000 in a plug-informat. The plug-in features Hot Keys, which provides four editingcontrols, providing quick access to scalable multiple parametermanipulation of the four most important adjustments to the effect. Theproduct also features eight tempo-based delays each with programmableresonant filters and independent panning controls.

JK AudioAutohybrid

Booth N4616

A passive, auto-answer and disconnect telephone line hybrid, thisinterface allows simultaneous send and receive audio through analogtelephone lines. The desktop unit easily converts to a rack-mount unitusing the optional RA4 rack panel. The RA4 holds four Autohybrids in a1U rack space. The dual transformer hybrid circuit provides a nominal20dB separation of send and receive audio. Detachable screw terminalblock for easy connection to remote control features. Balanced XLRjacks for easy connection to professional audio equipment. Otherfeatures include: transmit female XLR, 1000 ohms balanced, line level;receive male XLR, 600 ohms balanced, line level; off-hook LED’ andauto-answer switch.

Mackie dxb*200and dxb*400

Booth SL5913

The dXb*200 and dXb*400 share same basic architecture and footprint.Both feature dual touch-screen interfaces, 96kHz operation, on-boardautomation and effects, 25 100mm Penny+Giles faders, configurable I/Ocard cage and a Firewire I/O card option for streaming to desktop orlaptop computers. Both are compatible with select VST plug-ins and bothintegrate Mackie Control Universal functionality for controlling ProTools and Logic. The dXb*400, features a 96 x 96 channel I/O matrix and72 channels of EQ and dynamics at 96kHz. The unit is also equipped withmore advanced surround sound functionality that includes 24 buses,flexible panning assignment and complete surround monitoringfeatures.

SennheiserElectronics HD 650

Booth N2812

Based on the design of the HD 600, these dynamic open-air headphonescombine a flat frequency response (10Hz to 39.5kHz, 0 to -10dB) withnatural dynamics, superior resolution and a smooth, uncolored sound.This model features an enhanced bass response and includes an upgradedcable and reduced distortion in the high frequencies, making it usefulfor editing and mastering applications. Additional features of thisunit include matched transducers with tight tolerances (�1dB),computer-optimized magnet systems for minimizing harmonic andintermodulation distortion, lightweight aluminum voice coils to ensureaccuracy and fast transient response and Neodymium ferrous magnetsystems for high efficiency.

Symetrix Air Tools 6200

Booth N1610

This dual-channel, DSP-driven voice processor can handle signalprocessing of microphone or line-level signals in dual-mono or stereo.Processing blocks are editable from the front panel or from aWindows-based GUI accessed via USB or Ethernet ports, and changes arestored in any of the 1024 onboard preset locations. Processes includefiltering, parametric equalization, compression, de-essing, gating androom simulation. The processor also supports Homer Link, aninterconnect protocol that makes it compatible with the Studio Matrixsystem.

StuderOn-Air 3000

Booth N1018

This console is aimed at the mid-to-upper-segment of the radiomarket. The console’s operating concept is similar to Studer’s otherconsoles in the On-Air line, but now includes color GUI screens. Thesystem is a modular design and uses the new fan-less S-Core DSP engine.The standard fader module is comprised of six channel strips. As manyas eight modules may be fitted, providing a maximum console size of 48faders. Layout options range from an engineer-operated continuityconsole to a single-fader panel for announcer and newsroom use or aPC-operated system with no physical desk controls. The console offersthree main stereo mix buses and an audition facility, four stereo auxbuses, 16 mix-minus sends configurable as auxes and three independentstudio monitoring/talkback circuits, including two PFL circuits forsplit desk operation. Individual channels are each equipped withfour-band parametric EQ, full dynamics, de-esser, HPF and comprehensiveinput/output routing.

Tapco S-8

Booth SL5913

The eight-inch S-8 is a two-way, bi-amplified monitor with dualhigh-precision internal amplifiers that deliver a total of 120W RMS.The speaker offers a one-inch waveguide-loaded silk-dome tweeter thatprovides smooth, non-fatiguing high end. Rear panel controls allow foracoustic tailoring with low-frequency boost and high frequency cut andboost switches. Inputs include 1/4-inch TRS/XLR balanced and RCAunbalanced. All rear-panel controls and connections are recessed intoan amplifier panel. The front panel includes separate power andclipping LEDs.

Rohde & Schwarz R&S UVP

Booth C2532

This is a compact instrument for all measurements occurring in theanalog and digital audio world. Features of this product include adigital audio interface with up to a 192 kHz sampling rate, expandedmeasurement bandwidths and analysis tools. This unit can performseveral measurement functions simultaneously, and presents the resultsin conclusive graphics that can be intuitively operated using theWindows operating system.


Engineering Sessions forSunday, April 18

There are two full days of sessions before the convention floor evenopens on Saturday and Sunday. Some of the highlights for the Sundaysessions follow.

NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference Keynote; 9:00 – 9:30a.m.
Consumer Electronics Association President Gary Shapiro will keynotethe NAB2004 Broadcast Engineering Conference. The title ofShapiro�s talk will be Broadcasting in the Balance – AConsumer Technology Perspective. Shapiro has been an early andactive leader in the launch of digital and high definition television.He co-founded and chaired the HDTV Model Station and served on theboard and executive committee of the Advanced Television Test Center(ATTC). He is a charter inductee to the Academy of Digital TelevisionPioneers, and in 2003 received its highest award as the industry leadermost influential in advancing HDTV. Shapiro has also maintained thatdigital radio is radio�s destiny.

State of the Art in Radio 2004; 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon; Chairman:Al Kenyon
9:30 a.m. Expanding Digital Broadcast Services Using MPEG-4 HE AACand Other SBR-Enabled Technologies – David Frerichs, CodingTechnologies
10:00 a.m. Tomorrow Radio – Mike Starling, National PublicRadio
10:30 a.m. A Modern Radio Station – Marvin Born, DispatchBroadcast Group
11:00 a.m. State-of-the-Art in Receiver Design for HD Radio -Trudy Stetzler, Texas Instruments
11:30 a.m. Advances in AM Modulation Techniques that Improve DigitalTransmission for HD Radio and DRM – Ky Luu, Harris

Preparedness, Security and Recovery for Radio and Television;1:00 – 6:00 p.m.; Chairman: Thomas Weber, WISH-TV
1:00 p.m. New Industry Standard for Public Alert Receivers -David Wilson, Consumer Electronics Association
1:30 p.m. Design Considerations for Emergency Power Systems atBroadcast Facilities – Gregory Forbes, PBS
2:00 p.m. Broadcast Business Continuity – Sidney Skjei, SkjeiTelecom
2:30 p.m. Violations of Basic Computer Security Principles withinthe Television Broadcast Community and Some Suggested Solutions -Paul Claxton, American Forces Radio and Television Service
3:00 p.m. DTV Datacast Networking for Homeland Security and DistanceEducation – Richard Ducey, Spectrarep
3:30 p.m. Network Disaster Recovery Challenges andImplementation – Tom Mikkelsen, Starz Encore Group
4:00 p.m. Eliminating Failover and Achieving Continuous Uptime forTapeless Windows – Pablo Esteve, Thomson Grass Valley
4:30 p.m. Keeping Broadcast Facilities Online in the Digital Age– Alan Katz, MGE UPS Systems
5:00 p.m. EAS and Disaster Preparedness: Can They Work Together?– Roswell Clark, Cox Radio
5:30 p.m. Mission Critical Broadcast Design; The Show Must Go On– Leo Soucy and Linda Sand, Facilities Engineering

Out and About in LasVegas

What to do After the Convention

Looking for something to do besides gamble? Look no further.

The Hoover Dam is located 30 miles southeast of LasVegas on US Highway 93 at the Nevada-Arizona border. The Bureau ofReclamation started conducting tours through the Hoover Dam and PowerPlant in 1937. Today, close to 1,000,000 visitors a year take the tourand millions more drive across the dam. The Visitor Center is open from9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Built during the Depression, it took less than fiveyears to build the largest dam of its time. The dam is a NationalHistoric Landmark and has been rated by the American Society of CivilEngineers as one of America’s Seven Modern Civil EngineeringWonders.

AJ Hackett Bungee next to Circus Circus is open Sunday through Friday,11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., weatherpermitting. Jump off a 171ft. tower with a rubber band wrapped aroundyour ankles. This is not for the faint-hearted, but it is somethingdifferent.

If you like being airborne but don’t like the long drop, try FlyawayIndoor Skydiving at 200 Convention Center Dr. Experience all of the funof falling through the air without actually having to jump out of aplane. This indoor facility has a vertical wind tunnel capable ofgenerating a stiff-breeze up to 120 mph. It’s open Monday throughSaturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Monorail Update
Originally slated to be open in March, the Las Vegas Monorail is notyet running. It was due to make a series of shake-down runs beforeopening to the public, but because of the delays, it may not be readyfor use by NAB2004. The NAB is watching the progress of the Monorailand has planned to schedule enough shuttle buses in case it is notready.

Sorry. No data so far.
