Radio magazine: Marketing Audience
Dec 10, 2007 3:58 PM
Targeted circulation:
Your message reaches more than 12,030* qualified industry professionals. We maintain our Radio magazine file with the same high standard as all other Penton Media audited publications.
Readers Regularly rely on us:
More than 89% of readers told us they read Radio magazine on a regular basis, that is, three out of the last four issues.**
19.4% of readers do not receive ANY other competitive magazine.**
Seasoned professionals with buying power:
A typical subscriber has 22 years of experience in the radio industry.**
Your message has a longer shelf life with Radio magazine
63% of readers save their issues for reference and of those who keep their issues, they save them for an average of eight months.***
* Publisher’s Own Data
** 2006 Editorial Satisfaction Survey, Penton Media Research
*** 2006 Paramount Research
Unparalleled Prospects
Stations plan for substantial spending:
The average reader’s radio station will spend about $1.4 million on radio equipment and services in 2006.*
Subscribers participate in purchases:
More than 80%* of readers are involved in the purchasing process for their organization.
Readers plan for purchases year-round:
82%* of readers’ organizations evaluate products and services throughout the year, as opposed to one particular quarter.
Nearly six in ten respondents (57%) refer to Radio magazine when making purchasing decisions.
Versus Radio World (33%) and Radio Guide (8%).**
90% of subscribers personally receive Radio magazine.
Versus Radio World (60%) and Radio Guide (33%).**
* 2005 Paramount Research
** 2006 Paramount Research