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Roland RSS M-380

Roland RSS M-380

Jun 1, 2010 12:00 PM, by Erin Shipps, associate editor

The M-380 V-Mixer is a 48-channel console that possesses all the features of the M-400 V-Mixer in a compact rackmount footprint. It features rapid recall of setups, 100mm motorized and touch sensitive faders, an 800×480 color screen, and dedicated knobs for EQ, pan and gain. It has digital patch-bays, built-in effects processors, 16 aux/mon sends, 8 matrices, 8 DCAs, 8 mute groups, built-in stereo recording/playback and support for LCR configurations.

2010 NAB Show New Products

New products from the 2010 NAB Show from Arrakis, Audioarts Engineering, Bird Technologies, Burk Technology, Harris, Radio Systems, Sadie, Vorsis, Wide Orbit and more….
