Sales call for the week of July 23 – July 29
Jul 23, 2009 8:00 AM
Telos Nx12 Broadcast Phone Systems are taking calls at Radio Disney, Burbank, CA; WSOC-FM, Charlotte, NC; and Radio Free Europe, Washington, DC.
The Radio division of Rogers Media, a subsidiary of Rogers Communications, has selected WO Traffic from Wide Orbit to run more than 50 stations across Canada. With Wide Orbit, Rogers will be able to manage all stations on a single database with streamlined workflow and consolidated reporting across all its geographic markets.
Omnia One processors have been installed at WRVO-FM, Oswego State University, Oswego, NY; KEEL, KXKS, KVKI, KWKH and KTUX-FM, Shreveport, LA; WNUA-FM, Chicago; and Goom Radio, Jersey City, NJ.
Marketron Exchange, an e-commerce platform that allows nearly 6,500 U.S. radio stations using Marketron Traffic, Visual Traffic, or DeltaFlex business systems to send invoices and receive orders electronically, has passed the 7,000 order mark. The system enables participating stations to move orders directly into their business operating system, eliminating the need for manual entry and reducing discrepancies. 1,400 stations have registered for Marketron Exchange since its February 2009 launch with Katz Media.
Axia IP-audio networks are on the air at CKRM, CFWF and CHMS, Regina, SK; KCFV-FM, St. Louis Community College, St. Louis; WFLA, WMGF, WJRR, WTKS and WXXL, Orlando, FL; and KRWG-FM, Las Cruces, NM.
The BBC World Service has gone live with its first major program scheduling system, based on Pilat Media‘s Integrated Broadcast Management System (IBMS). The system drives the scheduling of worldwide broadcasts in English. It is the first stage of an ongoing joint development project with Pilat Media to build a system to manage the complex scheduling requirements of BBC World Service’s very large multiplatform distribution networks.
Macquarie Southern Cross Media, Australia’s largest regional radio network, has purchased 43 IP audio codecs from Tieline Technology to use as studio-to-transmitter links (STLs) and for performing remote outside broadcasts using IP.