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Sample and Hold: Public Radio Listeners’ Media Usage

Sample and Hold: Public Radio Listeners’ Media Usage

Jun 1, 2011 1:00 AM, By Erin Shipps, senior associate editor

The results of a national Web poll survey, conducted in partnership between Jacobs Media and the Public Radio Program Directors Association (PRPD), consisting of more than 21,000 respondents from more than 40 public radio stations across the United States shows an impressive trend of media usage and gadget acquisition from texting to ownership of eReaders and iPad. Some key findings include:

Public radio listeners have to be the best educated on the planet. Eight in 10 have a college degree. And nearly half hold a graduate degree.

More than one-third of PRTS3 respondents now own a smartphone, up 29 percent from last year’s study.

Pandora makes its first ever appearance in this study. One-fourth of public radio survey takers listen to Pandora monthly or more.

In the past year, six of every 10 PRTS3 respondents say they have downloaded and listened to a podcast.

Internet radio streaming shows impressive gains. Four in 10 PRTS3 participants listen to streaming audio at least weekly, up 17 percent from last year”s survey.

Last year”s big headline was about social media. And while momentum has slowed, nearly two-thirds of PRTS3 respondents now have a profile. Facebook and LinkedIn are the big gainers, while MySpace”s share has actually decreased.

Texting continues to grow, even among Classical music fans. Among the total sample, more than four in 10 participants text weekly or more.

Finally, HD Radio ownership continues to rise. Overall, 6 percent say they have an HD Radio, up 22 percent from last year. On the other hand, satellite radio has plateaued at 13 percent, similar to PRTS2 levels.

Source: Jacobs Media Public Radio Tech Survey 3

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June 2011

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