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Steinberg Nuendo 6

Steinberg Nuendo 6

Mar 15, 2013 7:59 AM, By Erin Shipps, senior associate editor

Audio editor
Nuendo 6 provides new mixing facilities featuring full-screen mode and scalability, Insert View for displaying activated insert slots, plug-in and channel search and integrated Control Room. The brand-new channel strip comprises high- and low-pass filters, a noise gate with sidechain support, various compressors and a brickwall limiter. The overhauled Channel Settings window provides immediate access to channel parameters. It also features EBU R128 standard compliant loudness metering with RMS metering scales, the Loudness Lane for tracking and editing loudness efficiently and the new ADR taker system including on-screen dialog for dialog recording and language dubbing.

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Steinberg Cubase 7

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