Steinberg Nuendo Syncstation
Aug 20, 2010 12:00 PM, By Erin Shipps, associate editor
Sync technology
Nuendo Syncstation is a solidly built 19″ rack mount unit houses technology that offers sample-accurate sync with video tape recorders, analog tape machines, other DAWs and house sync generators. It supports a long list of standards and protocols, including MTC, LTC, MMC, Sony 9-pin RS-422, word clock, VITC, Tri-level and black burst and varispeed operation over a huge array of pull-up/pull-down settings, as well as sample-accurate VST System Link over digital connections such as AES/EBU and S/PDIF. Uniquely, Nuendo SyncStation can offer extremely accurate sync using traditionally less accurate standards like MTC by referencing with sample-accuracy to each video frame.
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