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Tech Tips: Best Ways to Maintain Wiring Documentation

Tech Tips: Best Ways to Maintain Wiring Documentation

Mar 1, 2014 6:29 AM, By Doug Irwin, CPBE DRB AMD

In last month’s Tech Tips, I mentioned the upkeep of wiring documentation, specifically, using Microsoft Excel. It seems like a no-brainer because there are many good aspects to it: adding headers, columns, rows, pictures, hyperlinks, etc. But I sometimes find the necessity of formatting the cells to be bothersome and I suspect there are other programs better than Excel for this purpose. I’d like to hear your recommendations on a better piece of software for wiring documentation.

We’re always looking for Tech Tips, and I know there are a lot out there. If you have some tricks up your sleeve that you’d like to share, by all means send them in! You don’t have to write anything fancy; just pass them on to us to share. We’ll always give you credit, and you could earn SBE recertification points. Send your tips to

Irwin is RF engineer/project manager for Clear Channel Los Angeles. Contact him at

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