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2011 SBE Board Election Ballots Due Next Week

UPS or express shipping okay

The Society of Broadcast Engineers is reminding members that ballots for the 2011 election of national officers and directors are due back to national headquarters in Indianapolis by Aug. 25.

Ralph Hogan, currently SBE vice president, is running unopposed for president; he’d replace Vinny Lopez, who has served the maximum two consecutive terms. Joseph Snelson would be the new VP, James E. Leifer secretary and Jerry Massey treasurer. All are unopposed, though voters can also write names in. Seven director nominees are running for six seats.

Members can send ballots using UPS or express shipping by 4:30 p.m., Eastern. You can also deliver them personally, if you’re in the area. SBE cannot accept fax or email ballots.

Candidates are listed on the SBE website. Terms for officers are one year while terms for directors are for two years.

Each voting member of the SBE received a ballot package in the mail by early August. The SBE asks members to use the ballot and return envelope provided in the package.
