The International Association of Audio Information Services has announced the winners of its annual Program Awards for quality audio production.
The awards are intended to promote quality, as well as provide examples of the types of programming available for “who cannot see, hold or comprehend the printed word and who may be unable to access information due to a disability or health condition,” according to its website.
The winners and honorable mentions are:
Newspapers: Radio Reading Service of Greater Cincinnati for the New York Times Arts and Leisure Section. Tracy Schoster is the reader, the audio engineer is Charles Van Sant and Mark DeWitt serves as producer.
Honorable mention to VoiceCORPS of Columbus, Ohio, for live reading of the Columbus Dispatch, read by Fred Alverson and Lisa Maggard and produced by Chuck Adkins.
Consumer Information: Audio-Reader Network of Lawrence, Kan., for Mail Order Catalogs. Talent is Mary Ann Saunders and audio engineer Nick Carswell,.
Magazines: Radio Reading Service of Greater Cincinnati for The Science World, read by Mary Kay Delgado and produced by Charles Van Sant.
Honorable mention to Sun Sounds of Arizona – Flagstaff for Teen Beat, which was read and produced by Bethany Williams.
Magazine Digest: MindsEye Radio, Belleville, Ill., for “The African American Hour,” featuring Kristi Carson as the reader and Mike Curtis as audio engineer.
Honorable mention to Georgia Radio Reading Service of Atlanta for “Go Green,” read by Jennifer Nittoso, produced by Kevin Brunup.
Narrative Reading: Sun Sounds of Arizona – Tempe for “Animal Companions” read and produced by Joyce Vesper.
Honorable mention to VoiceCORPS, Columbus, Ohio, for “A Good Book” narrated by Karen Elson and produced by Chuck Adkins.
Honorable mention also to Sight Into Sound, Houston for “News of the World,” read and produced by Jim Abate, audio engineer Jim Martinez.
Dramas and Dramatic Reading: Sight Into Sound, Houston for the Christmas special “Mistletoe Mysteries” read by Pearl Hewitt and Jim Abate, produced by Jim Martinez.
Thematic Production: Sight Into Sound, Houston for “Rodeo Houston Promo” featuring KC Jobe and produced by Jim Martinez.
Honorable mention to Audio-Reader Network of Lawrence, Kan., for “He-AR Promo.” Talent are Kimberly Morrow and Dan Skinner, and the producer is Nick Carswell.
Interview and/or Call-In: WXXI Reachout Radio, Rochester, N.Y., for “Eyes on Success: Low Vision Optometry” created and produced by Peter and Nancy Torpey.
Honorable mention to “Ear to Ear” from MindsEye Radio of Belleville, Ill. Jason Frazier was talent, and the producer was Mike Curtis.
Non-Reading Entertainment: Audio-Reader Network, Lawrence, Kan., for “Christmastime in History.” Written and read by Carl Graves, produced by Nick Carswell.
Honorable mention to Sight Into Sound, Houston, for “Houston’s Team, Houston’s Title.”
On Location: Valley Eye Radio, Springfield Mass., for “Community Affairs — Dr. Seuss” produced by Harold Anderson with Karen Fisk.
This year’s honorees will be recognized in June at the IAAIS Annual Conference in Boulder, Colo.