The latest bird’s eye statistics about radio from Arbitron, to tuck away for your next research report:
Over the course of a typical week, radio reached over 94 percent of Persons 18+ who live in a household with an income of $75,000 or more;
Ninety-four percent of college grads listened to radio, as compared to 91 percent of people who did not go to college.
Eighty-one percent of Persons 18+ listened to radio while in their cars.
Over the course of a week, radio reaches over 230 million people, or 93 percent of all persons aged 12 and older.
Nearly 184 million people, or 74 percent of all Persons 12+, tune to radio on Saturday or Sunday.
These are findings from the latest RADAR radio network audience report, which measures 56 radio networks.
230 Million People Can’t Be Wrong
230 Million People Can't Be Wrong