Digital Radio Mondiale has launched its 5th DRM Enterprise Award.
According to the consortium, the award honors an individual or organization that has “promoted DRM successfully, has convincingly explained how DRM can be applied innovatively and can be actively introduced.”
DRM explains that the winner will be a “true social media influencer, who has used for this purpose communications methods such as, though not exclusively, social media.” The organization adds that its objective in awarding this prize is to disseminate information about the DRM digital radio standard, stimulate interest provide further knowledge to new territories while consolidating interest in existing DRM countries.
To qualify for the award, two credible endorsers, ready to testify about the good work of the candidate, must nominate the individual or organization. In January DRM handed the last Enterprise Award, which focused on Southeast Asia, to the DRM Stakeholders’ Group, led by the Indian network operator BECIL.
An independent board of specialists, made up of DRM Consortium representatives, will select the victor, who will also receive a cash prize. The deadline to enter is Sept. 15. DRM will announce the 2019 winner before the end of the year.
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“The fifth enterprise award will recognize the efforts of one exceptional individual or organization prepared to explain simply and convincingly the many obvious benefits of Digital Radio Mondiale and digital radio,” said DRM Consortium Chair, Ruxandra Obreja. “The attractive features of DRM like the many data services, its traffic information capability or the emergency warning functionality offer new opportunities and applications to meet real and urgent needs of people in many parts of the world.”
Information is available at