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A Nice Plug for the ‘Low End of the Dial’

Public broadcast fans tizzied this week over the latest discussion of funding and other trends within their part of the industry.

Public broadcast fans tizzied this week over the latest discussion of funding and other trends within their part of the industry.

A New York Times column by Charles McGrath about the future of PBS provided interesting fodder for critics of public television but also nourished those who appreciate recent successes on the radio side of public broadcasting. If you are feeling blue from all the stories about the condition of radio these days, you’ll find upbeat perspectives here, at least for public radio.

“Who would have guessed 40 years ago, when public broadcasting came into being, that the antique medium, the one supposedly on its way out, would prove to be the greater success and the one more technically nimble,” McGrath wrote.

Read the story here.

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