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A Visit to the Museum of Radio & Technology

RW Cool Site of the Week points to Huntington, W.Va.

Anyone with an interest in historical broadcasting equipment might fantasize about being locked in Huntington, W.Va.’s Museum of Radio & Technology for a night, or a week.

Packed with all sorts of goodies, the museum is dedicated to most anything that would elicit a breathless “Cool” from any red-blooded 13-year-old boy.

Old radios, old TVs, old military communications equipment, a few ancient transmitters, a room full of CB radios and another full of obsolete computers, a complete ham rig along with ham and shortwave radios, kids’ electronics and chemistry kits, advertising memorabilia, vintage “hi-fi” equipment … and the ill-defined list goes on. Also included in the museum: the West Virginia Broadcasting Hall of Fame.

The museum’s Web site itself is well worth a visit, offering a “tour” of various rooms and a Picasa link to another picture-driven tour. A useful links collection can be found as well. The museum has a growing tech library, hosts events (see Web calendar) and offers membership for supporters. RW reader Dave Burns pointed the site out this week.

Find it here.
