Richard Cantu, formerly of WBBM(AM) in Chicago, and Alex Stone, formerly of KOA(AM) in Denver, joined ABC News Radio. News anchor Cantu will host the network’s hourly newscasts from New York, and Stone will broadcast from the West coast as a Los Angeles Bureau correspondent.
Cantu first made his mark in radio in Milwaukee by winning several Milwaukee Press Club and Associated Press awards for excellence in broadcast journalism.
Stone, at age 23, touts nearly a decade’s worth of radio experience. He was named news anchor for “Teens on Air” at KSRO in Santa Rosa, Calif. before becoming a five-day-a-week contributor to KSRO’s morning show. He anchored weekend shows at KOA while a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Stone replaces Steffan Tubbs as primary West coast correspondent for ABC News Radio.
ABC News Radio Taps Cantu, Stone
ABC News Radio Taps Cantu, Stone