After a quarter century absence from the radio-broadcasting scene in Sri Lanka, Adventist World Radio returned to the island on March 25.
AWR aired for almost 40 years (starting in 1950) via the Radio Ceylon shortwave service near Colombo, Sri Lanka. It was the first syndicated Christian broadcast from this station. Radio Ceylon then became Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation and in 1988 AWR moved to its own shortwave station, KSDA in Agat, Guam.
AWR is returning to Sri Lanka for a three-month stint, lasting until the end of June, and will transmit via the Deutsche Welle station near Trincomalee. AWR says the transfer will allow them to carry out maintenance on curtain antennas 1 and 2, and to install an additional curtain antenna at the Guam site.
AWR encourages international radio monitors to submit reception reports on the temporary AWR usage of the Trincomalee shortwave station. Reception reports are welcome via regular mail, together with a suitable form of return postage, or via e-mail. The AWR scheduling for the new Sri Lanka broadcasts can be obtained from the AWR website.