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AES: Mobile Is the New Black

Mobile devices proliferate and they demand content

Mobile is the buzzword that digital was a decade and more ago. As mobile devices become part of everyday life, their appetite for content will grow. How can a radio broadcaster take advantage?

To try to make sense of this dilemma, Neil Glassman will moderate, “Content Delivery and the Mobile Initiative,” Oct. 18, 3:45–5:15 p.m.

Glassman explains, “This diverse panel will explore how content creators, publishers and developers are enhancing the mobile audio experience. Whether on their smartphones or in their connected cars, radio is just one of the streaming audio options from which the mobile consumer can choose. We’ll look at how new technologies are enabling the growth of some platforms, while others are face the prospect of going dark.”

Joining him will be Stephen Baker of video content search company Ramp, Karlheinz Brandenburg of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology, John Kean of NPR, Damon Love of SiriusXM, Leigh Newsome of online ad services provider Targetspot, Jan Nordmann of Fraunhofer USA and Greg Ogonowski of Orban.
