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AIR, Prasar Bharati Promote DRM

Public broadcaster to digitize facilities throughout India

All India Radio and Prasar Bharati have begun to implement plans to upgrade facilities to DRM30 digital broadcasting using six Nautel NX Series 300 kW medium wave transmitters.

“When all these transmitters are on air, with the extra content that will be made available, India will be probably the largest digital radio country in the world,” said DRM Consortium Chair Ruxandra Obreja. She added that she believed the development would “encourage chipset and receiver manufacturers to produce more DRM receivers. The Prasar Bharati announcement re-affirms AIR’s commitment to digital technologies and proves that DRM has come of age.”

“Prasar Bharati and AIR have embarked on a project that will bring great flexibility and a world of possibilities to broadcasting in India,” said Peter Conlon, Nautel president and CEO.

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