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Amherst to Join With Jamrag

Amherst to Join With Jamrag

Two media reform groups that support granting more rights to LPFMs plan to join forces to increase their legislative power. Under the agreement, the Amherst Alliance is soon to become the national arm of the Michigan Music is World Class Campaign, led by founder Stacie Trescott, Editor of Jamrag Magazine.
The change is coming about as Amherst Alliance attorney and lobbyist Don Schellhardt is leaving to pursue a degree at the University of San Francisco.
Amherst members have already voted to elect Trescott, making her the president of both groups. The groups will vote on a formal affiliation in November.
“Affiliation makes sense,” said outgoing Amherst President Don Schellhardt. “Amherst has national reach but no geographically concentrated power base. MMWC is firmly rooted, and influential, in a large battleground state in the politically strategic Great Lakes region. So we are marrying breadth to depth.”
Amherst and MMWC expect to focus in 2005 on adding low power stations to the AM Band and on gaining primary service status for all low power stations. Now, low power stations have a secondary service status, which means they can be displaced by new or relocating full power stations.
Schellhardt has also resigned from his post as Vice President, Government Relations & Membership Development with the National Antenna Consortium. During 2004, NAC lobbied for legislation to end bans on ham radio antennas by associations of homeowners. NAC also opposed expanded use of Broadband Over Power line technology, pending further study and the adoption of stronger interference control measures by the FCC.
Before he leaves this post, Schellhardt will help prepare a multi-party challenge to the recently issued BPL expansion regulations.
Inquiries should go to NAC’s Executive Director, Gerald Agliata.

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