Joel Glaser
At its quarterly board meeting in Duluth this month, the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations’ Board of Directors voted unanimously to make Joel Glaser the organization’s new CEO. Erin Warhol was also named AMPERS’ full-time program director.
“Despite difficult economic conditions, Joel has helped the company grow significantly,” said AMPERS Board President Maggie Montgomery. “We have grown to the point that it makes sense for AMPERS to have a chief executive officer.”
When the economy declined in 2008 and 2009 it had a devastating effect on AMPERS, which was then relying almost exclusively on underwriting/corporate donations. That forced Glaser to develop a business model that created additional revenue streams. Changing the business model has resulted in significant growth. AMPERS is on pace to have a record year with revenue up 126% over same time last year.
“But, our hard work and dedication is really starting to pay off. We are especially excited to be partnering with Allina’s LifeCourse project and Twin Cities Public Television to develop a long-term campaign to encourage people to start talking about and planning for late life care and decisions,” Glaser said.
Erin Warhol
He added, “And, for our diabetes prevention and education campaign we are taking a truly unique approach focusing on peer-to-peer messages rather than having a medical expert tell people to eat right and live healthy. The idea is to provide listeners with stories they can relate to which will also be inspirational and should help to slow the rate of diabetes in our state.”
The National Federation of Community Broadcasters has asked Glaser to discuss AMPERS’ successful business model at its upcoming national conference in May.
Glaser has 22 years of broadcast experience, including six years in radio advertising sales management at Hubbard Radio.
Warhol is an award-winning producer with 27 years of broadcast experience.
AMPERS is an association of 15 independent community radio stations in Minnesota.