In addition to Cris Alexander, the Society of Broadcast Engineers honored several others for their contributions.
SBE gave its Technology Award to Daniel Slentz and WHIZ TV/DTV, FM and AM in Zanesville, Ohio.
Doug Irwin was honored for an article in Radio magazine on performance evaluation. Best chapter Web site honors went to Chapter 54 in Hampton Roads, Va.; best conference to Chapter 22 Syracuse; best newsletter to Chapter 70 in Northeast Ohio; most interactive chapter to Chapter 5 Atlanta; and the award for frequency coordination went to Dennis Orcutt of Chapter 85 in Norman, Okla.
The most certified chapters: Chapter 126 in Saipan and 131 Inland Empire, Calif. Most growth: Chapters 132 Ft. Meade, Md., and 136, Seattle. Highest member attendance was at Chapters 51 Tri Cities, Wash., and 24, Madison, Wis.
Larry Wilkins chaired the SBE National Awards Committee, which included Keith Kintner, Troy Pennington and Terry Baun.