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AppYourCar Debuts

Clip-on steering wheel controller works with wireless smartphone mount

A company based in Munich, Germany, has created AppYourCar, a system designed to bring all your favorite smartphone apps into your car.

“AppYourCar was designed for drivers of any car. People want to use interfaces they’re familiar with at home, in the car and in daily life and we’ve incorporated that desire” into the product, says CEO Antonius Dalezios, who, with his brother Harald, came up with the concept about a year ago.

The wireless Bluetooth remote control is attached to the steering wheel. That’s combined with a smartphone mount that sits on the dash and charges the phone wirelessly. With the controller, the user navigates through the apps without actually touching the smartphone. There is an iOS and an Android version of the controller.

“We were asking ourselves whether there might be an alternative or maybe even a better solution to the already existing, expensive car makers’ infotainment-systems. That’s how we came up with using the smartphone itself as a display, while navigating through it with a Bluetooth controller,” according to Dalezios.

The company has a working prototype and is crowdfunding to raise enough money to get the devices manufactured. The package lists for $179 and shipping is slated for May 2015.

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