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Arbitron: Youth Drive Up Network Radio Listening

Black, Hispanic adult, teen demos rise, too

An additional 1.7 million listeners age 12+ tune into radio during an average week this September compared to a year ago, meaning the total number of persons 12+ tuning in each week is an estimated 241.4 million, or 93% of the 12+ population.

That’s according to Arbitron’s latest RADAR National Radio Listening Report.

The research firm credits youth demos for the growth. Compared to the September 2010 report, the number of teen listeners 12–17 increased by 36,000 and adults 18–34 increased by 80,000. Radio now reaches 91.9% of teens 12–17 and 93.4% of adults 18-34, according to the report.

However the number of radio listeners 25–54 dropped 118,000; the drop was even more dramatic for adults 18–49, which fell by 365,000.

Ethnic listening is on the rise. Listening among Hispanics 18–49 rose in the last year, adding 482,000 weekly listeners. Hispanic teen listeners 12–17 rose by 86,000 listeners compared to September 2010.

According to the report, radio continues to reach more than 93% of blacks 12 and older and more than 95% of Hispanics 12+ on a weekly basis, or 29.8 million and 36.5 million respectively. The number of black teens 12–17 also rose, adding 37,000 weekly listeners.

Commercial network radio reaches affluent, educated adults, according to the survey results. In an average week, radio attracts nearly 95% of persons age 12+ with a household income above $75K. Radio also attracts nearly 96% of adults 18–49 with a college education and a household income of more than $75,000.Additionally, radio attracts 17 million, or 95%, of adults 18–34 with a college degree.

The RADAR 110 Report includes data from all 48 Arbitron PPM markets. The survey dates for RADAR 110 were June 24, 2010 to June 22, 2011. RADAR stands for Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research; it measures 56 commercial radio networks operated by American Urban Radio Networks, Cumulus Media Networks, Crystal Media Networks, Dial Global, Premiere Radio Networks, United Stations Radio Networks and Westwood One Radio Networks.
