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Audio Precision Honors Angelo Farina

Audio Precision APx audio analyzer instruments rely on Farina's ESS-based measurement techniques.

Audio Precision recently hosted a reception in honor of theoretical and applied acoustician Angelo Farina.

(click thumbnail)Professor Farina was presented with an Audio Precision commemorative plaque.Farina’s research into and development of impulse response measurement techniques based on exponential sine sweeps (ESS) for use in electronic systems and acoustic environments underpins the audio measurement technology at the heart of Audio Precision’s APx range of audio analyzer instruments.

More than 50 acoustic and audio specialists, leading industry and academic figures and journalists gathered at the Casa della Musica at the historic Palazzo Cusani in Farina’s native city of Parma, Italy, for an evening of lectures, discussions, and presentations.

Jointly organized by AP and its Italian distributor, Audio Link, the evening began with a lecture on ESS measurement techniques from Farina himself, included a talk from AP Vice President of Engineering Tom Kite on the implementation of Farina’s techniques in AP measurement tools and saw AP present an eight-channel APx585 audio analyzer to Università degli Studi di Parma, where Farina works.
