Broadcast Electronics said it would highlight upgrades to its AudioVault digital audio system at the NAB Radio Show in Philadelphia.
It lists enhancements including file sharing, ad insertion and music storage across stations and studio locations.
“The upgraded AudioVault system is Broadcast Electronics’ first completely open-system digital audio system for seamlessly integrating two or more station operations,” it stated.
Features include automation modules for live assist or satellite operation as well as a suite of scheduling and production modules for multi-track editing, music rotation and ad insertion.
Also new: a BE FMi-703 transmitter for FM analog and HD Radio. The company said it could be used to convert FM stations to HD Radio now or function as a main transmitter for existing FM analog service until HD Radio is added later.
The company’s Marti arm will promote new RPU and STL receivers. The SR-20M and SR-20C complement the existing STL-20M single-channel and STL-20C frequency-agile composite transmitters. New RPU receivers SR-30 and SR-40A complement the existing two-channel SRPT-30 and frequency-agile SRPT-40A remote pickup transmitters.
AudioVault Updates and a New Transmitter Featured by BE
AudioVault Updates and a New Transmitter Featured by BE