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BE Helps Grant Integrate Tasmania Stations

Lumina Broadcast Systems is the local supplier

Grant Broadcasters Pty Ltd. ordered 10 Broadcast Electronics AudioVAULT studio systems for its stations in Tasmania. Lumina Broadcast SystemsAustralia Pty Ltd., which represents BE studio and RF products in Australia, is supplying the sytems. “We have been successfully using AudioVAULT systems in our group since 1995, and have progressively converted all but eight of our 28 wholly owned stations to AudioVAULT. This latest investment will see every station, except one, running AudioVAULT,” said John Sandles, group engineering manager for Grant Broadcasters. The seven Grant stations in northern Tasmania will seamlessly integrate with the Grant Broadcasters’ group-wide AudioVAULT network across Australia, allowing for content and talent sharing, as well as operational efficiencies.
