Caroline Beasley has played a big role in shaping the firm founded by her dad George 56 years ago — the company where she became CEO last year. But she has also made her mark on the national leadership scene; and now we learn that she’ll continue to serve as a face of the U.S. commercial broadcast industry for another year. She’s been reelected unanimously as chair of the NAB joint board.
Tri State Communications President/CEO Randy D. Gravley was re-elected Radio Board chair by the NAB Radio Board. Salem Media Group President of Broadcast Media David Santrella was elected Radio Board first vice chair, and Jackson Radio Works President Bruce Goldsen was elected Radio Board second vice chair. The Radio Board’s major group representative seat will again be filled by Cox Media Group President Kim Guthrie.
[Gravley Sees Radio’s Best Days Ahead.]
Also re-elected were Hearst Television President Jordan Wertlieb, Graham Media Group President/CEO Emily Barr and Quincy Media President/CEO Ralph M. Oakley as NAB Television Board chairman, first vice chair of the Television Board and second vice chair, respectively. CBS Executive Vice President of Government Affairs John Orlando will fill the designated TV network seat on the executive committee.
Caroline Beasley is also active in the leadership of organizations such as BMI and The Broadcasters Foundation of America