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Beasley’s WJPT HD2 Is Streaming

'Solid Gold 106' has jewelry store sponsorship

The HD2 channel of Beasley Broadcast-owned WJPT(FM), in Fort Myers, Fla., is now also streaming its programming online.

The multicast channel has attracted a sponsorship from a jewelry store in Southwest Florida’s diamond district.

WJPT, or “Solid Gold 106,” is the HD2 channel of 50 kW 106.3 WJPT(FM), known as “Sunny 106.” Listeners using an HD Radio receiver can access the station by tuning to 106.3 HD2 on the FM dial.

The broadcaster says “Solid Gold 106” is the only southwest Florida HD2 radio station to stream its programming on the Internet. It airs hits from the 1960s to the 1980s.

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