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BIA: Radio Station Transactions Show Signs of Industry Movement

For the first time since passage of the revised Telecom Act, radio station transactions exceeded 2,000 in 2006, according to BIA.

For the first time since passage of the revised Telecom Act, radio station transactions exceeded 2,000 in 2006, according to BIA.

There were 1,544 station sales in Arbitron radio markets and 562 in unrated areas last year, compared with 1,613 and 637, respectively, in 1997. The growth is due overwhelmingly to activity at Clear Channel; but, that aside, the number still demonstrates a slight pattern of growth, the research firm says.

Of particular note to BIAfn is a 15 percent increase in the sale of radio stations in unrated areas – 420 stations, up from 365 the year before. These facilities were not related to the Clear Channel sale and demonstrate an interest in the purchase of small-market stations as long-term investments, according to the company.

The information is contained in BIAfns quarterly “Investing In Radio Market Report.”

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