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BIA: Spanish-Language Stations Grow by 86%

BIA: Spanish-Language Stations Grow by 86%

Over the last five years, the total Hispanic population in this country has grown by 27%, from about 30 million to more than 38 million. That growth has translated into an 86% rise in Spanish-language radio stations, according to BIA Financial Network, Inc.
BIA has released a report on Spanish-language radio in the top 20 Hispanic radio markets. In it, BIA states that between 1998 and 2003 the number of Spanish-language radio stations in the U.S. rose from 302 to 561. Today, approximately 6% of commercial stations program a Spanish-language format.
Contained in the report’s findings: Of the 561, 438 were in Arbitron-rated markets and 191 were in the 20 largest Hispanic radio markets in the nation. In the top 20 Hispanic radio markets, 20% of the commercial radio stations broadcast a Spanish-language format, up from 14% in 1998. Total local commercial listening and revenue shares to Spanish-language radio in the top 20 markets have grown by 60% over the past five years.
BIA says despite the increase in Spanish-language radio, the format is under-represented in the 20 largest Hispanic radio markets.
The report is available from BIA at:

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